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Description TCPA and Palladium
PDF file Total 12 pages (File size: 135K)
Chip Manufacturer ETC
6.857 Computer and Network Security
October 17, 2002
Lecture Notes 12 : TCPA and Palladium
Lecturer: Pato/LaMacchia
Scribe: Barrows/DeNeui/Nigam/Chen/Robson/Saunders/Walsh
Joe Pato of Hewlett-Packard presented the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (TCPA). Brian
LaMacchia of Microsoft presented Palladium. Barrows, DeNeui, and Nigam scribed the notes on
TCPA. Chen, Robson, Saunders, and Walsh scribed the notes on Palladium. Slides from both
speakers are available on the 6.857 Web site.
Why Trusted Computing Platforms
The Trusted Computing Platform Alliance
TCPA Concepts
TCPA Feature Set
Benefits of TCPA
Why Trusted Computing Platforms
The overall goals of a trusted computing platform are to increase business and customer confidence
with the security of a platform, to reduce business risks associated with insecurely storing data, and
additionally to protect end-user private data.
A trusted computing platform should address questions such as: Can I trust a target machine to
behave in an expected manner (maybe based on past performance)? Can I have confidence in
interacting with the platform? Can I trust you (the user) to be what you say you are?
A Trusted Computing Platform should:
Recognize that a platform has known properties
Identify that a system will behave as expected
Enable a user to have more confidence in the behavior of the platform in front of them
be freely reproduced for educational or personal use.
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